My Body My Choice
DIN A3, Risografie
Die Riso – Drucke entstanden im Workshop Type & Politics, konzipiert und
angeleitet von der Designerin Golnar
Kat Rahmani. Die erste Hälfte des Tages gab uns Golnar sehr spannenden Input zu arabischer und
persischer Typografie und vermittelte uns ihre
Beweggründe für dieses Workshopthema. Ihr Ziel ist es, mit diesem Workshop-Konzept arabische und
persische Schrift von der ideologischen Zuschreibungen in unserer westlichen Gesellschaft zu
Golar Kat Ramani sagt über ihr Workshopkonzept Type & Politics folgendes: «Unlike
when spotting
Chinese letters Arabic Type tends to evoke emotions these days. Letters itself as an abstract writing
system are not capable of this. More than ever our perceptions are being infl uenced by social,
political and cultural tensions. The rise of islamic terrorism
turning into the No. 1 public enemy of western culture, political instabilities and wars in the Middle
East, religious confl icts in daily western life, the increase of Islamophobia, recent heavy rotation
news coverage of the IS fl ag (with high contrasting Arabic letters on Black) ... All these parameters
don't let Arabic type just appear strange and exotic but rather provoke bad feelings and
marginalise its
cultural value. Our Goal is to decrease those negative connotations practically by learning and
understanding basic principles of Arabic Type and creating artworks, ultimately adding curiosity,
aesthetics, joy and intercultural friendship to its shattered image in western society.»
Der Workshop fand im Rahmen des Kurses Annoying–Toolkit statt.